Cupping Therapy is an ancient art of healing which is in practice since 5000 B.C. Cupping works by improving the circulation of blood and fluids in the immediate area. This can then help to soften tight muscles or release any points of tension or tight connective tissue. It also balances and realigns the flow of qi or chi in the body. In Blood Cupping, toxins or wastes in blood are expelled out through incisions made during the procedure. Most of the time, the results are very quick, with relief being felt almost straight away. Cupping Therapy works not only for Physical diseases but it also produces amazing results in Mental and Spiritual problems.
> What is cupping?
> Types of cupping
> Pre-requisites of performing cupping
> Procedure of cupping
> Do's & Dont's
> Benefits of Cupping Therapy
> Cupping points for different diseases
and much more
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